Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I believe every person in this world wants to have a good memory, a memory that’s good enough to remember things. But having a bad memory too is not that bad. As one saying goes, “Happiness lies, first of all, in health and a bad memory.” This is so true!

Having a bad memory simply means forgetting things. Forgetting every wrong thing being done to you is the most perfect solution to a man’s sorrow-filled heart. What do you gain in remembering a wrong deed? What do you gain when you keep thinking about a person who hates you?

As people are saying these common words “Forget it” nowadays, it is important that we should turn these words into actions. The more we remember our uncomfortable situations, the more uncomfortable, miserable and bitter we’ll become.
One of our duties here on earth is to forgive and forget!

Forget it when people hate you. Forget it when they say unpleasant things to you. Forget it when remembrance about such things overwhelms you. Forget it for all of these are useless things…. things of no worth at all.

Make yourself a truly happy person by practicing to have a bad memory….cause that’s all there is.

So when are you planning to forget things?
- Pynhunshisha B. Lynser

1 comment:

  1. Very meaningful words...its like the saying:

    "Forget others wrongs;
    Remember your own.

    Forget what you have done for others;
    Remember what others have done for you."
